2000–2004 | BRG Bruck/Mur |
2004–2009 | HTL Leoben, Focus on metallurgy, Passed with honors |
2009–2014 | Bachelor’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria (B.Sc.) |
2014–2015 | Master’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria, Graduation Topic: Planar faults in gamma – TiAl: An atomistic study |
2019 | Conferral of doctorate (Dr. mont.) Topic: Clustering and Diffusion in Aluminium Alloys |
Professional experience
2015–present | PhD student and research associate at Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria |
PhD Thesis
Title: Clustering and diffusion in aluminium alloys
This thesis gives an overview of existing information on natural aging and clustering in aluminum alloys. An in-depth understanding of existing analysis methods of clustering is established. Moreover, an approach is developed, and applied, to access natural aging times below one hour via atom probe tomography. With the realized experiments it is shown that the as-quenched state can be investigated. Moreover it is demonstrated that clustering and all non-equilibrium vacancy controlled diffusionional processes are size-dependent and natural aging is effectively stopped when the material dimensions reach the nanometer scale.

Aster P., Dumitraschkewitz P., Uggowitzer PJ., Tunes MA., Schmid F., Stemper L. and Pogatscher P.: Unraveling the potential of Cu addition and cluster hardening in Al-Mg-Si alloys. Materialia (2024), 102188
Aster P., Dumitraschkewitz P., Uggowitzer PJ., Schmid F., Falkinger G., Strobel K., Kutlesa P., Tkadletz M. and S. Pogatscher: Strain induced clustering in Al alloys. Materialia (2023), 101964
Coradini Santa Rosa D., Tunes M.A., Willenshofer P., Samberger S., Kremmer T., Dumitraschkewitz P., Uggowitzer P.J. und Pogatscher S.: In situ transmission electron microscopy as a toolbox for the emerging science of nanometallurgy. Lab on a Chip (2023).
Dumitraschkewitz P., M. Tunes, C. Quick, D. Santa Rosa Coradini, T. Kremmer, P. Ramasamy, P. Uggowitzer and S. Pogatscher: MEMS-based in situ electron-microscopy investigation of rapid solidification and heat treatment on eutectic Al-Cu. Acta Materialia (2022), 118225
Quick C., P. Dumitraschkewitz, S. Pogatscher and J. Schawe: Fast differential scanning calorimetry to mimic additive manufacturing processing – Specific heat capacity analysis of aluminium alloys. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2022), online, Print 2023
Stemper L., M. A. Tunes, P. Dumitraschkewitz, F. Mendez-Martin, R. Tosone, D. Marchand, W. A. Curtin, P. J. Uggowitzer and S. Pogatscher: Giant hardening response in AlMgZn (Cu) alloys. Acta Materialia, Band 206 (2021)
Kremmer T.M., P. Dumitraschkewitz, D. Pöschmann, T. Ebner, P.J. Uggowitzer, G.K.H. Kolb and S. Pogatscher: Microstructural Change during the Interrupted Quenching of the AlZnMg(Cu) Alloy AA7050. Materials, 2020, 13, 2554, 1-11
Holec D., P. Dumitraschkewitz, D. Vollath and Franz D. Fischer: Surface Energy of Au Nanoparticles Depending on Their Size and Shape. nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 484, 1-14
Tunes M. A., C. Quick, L. Stemper, D. S. R. Coradini, J. Grasserbauer, P. Dumitraschkewitz, T. M. Kremmer and S. Pogatscher: A contaminationfree electron-transparent metallic sample preparation method for MEMS experiments with in situ S/TEM. arXiv:2012.029 (2020)
Dumitraschkewitz P., P. J. Uggowitzer, S. S. A. Gerstl, J. F. Löffler und S. Pogatscher: Size-dependent diffusion controls natural aging in aluminium alloys. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 1-6
Dumitraschkewitz P., S. S. A. Gerstl, L. T. Stephenson, P. J. Uggowitzer and S. Pogatscher: Clustering in Age-Hardenable Aluminum Alloys. Adv. Eng. Mater., 2012, 2018, 1800255
Spierings A. B., K. Dawson, P. Dumitraschkewitz, S. Pogatscher and K. Wegener: Microstructure characterization of SLM-processed Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy in the heat treated and HIPed condition. Additive Manufacturing, 20, 2018, 173–181
Dumitraschkewitz P., H. Clemens, S. Mayer and D. Holec: Impact of alloying on stacking fault energies in ϒ-TiAl. Applied Sciences. 2017, 7, 1193
Dumitraschkewitz P., S. S. A. Gerstl, P. J. Uggowitzer, J. F. Löffler and S. Pogatscher: Atom Probe Tomography Study of As-Quenched Al–Mg–Si Alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2016
Dumitraschkewitz P., Tunes M., Quick R. C., Santa Rosa Coradini D., Kremmer T., Ramasamy P., Uggowitzer P. J. und Pogatscher S.: MEMS-based in situ Electron-Microscopy Investigation of Rapid Solidification and Heat Treatment on Eutectic Al-Cu. 11th ASEM workshop. Linz (online), Österreich, 2021
Dumitraschkewitz P., Tunes M., Quick R. C., Santa Rosa Coradini D., Kremmer T., Ramasamy P., Uggowitzer P. J. und Pogatscher S.: MEMS-based in situ Electron-Microscopy Investigation of Rapid Solidification and Heat Treatment on Eutectic Al-Cu. EUROMAT 2021. Graz (online), Österreich, 2021
Dumitraschkewitz P., Quick R. C., Spieckermann F. und Pogatscher S.: FDSC of AlCu. 5th Flash DSC Conference, Greifensee, Schweiz, 2021
Pogatscher S., G. K.-H Kolb., H. Antrekowitsch, T. Kremmer, P. Dumitraschkewitz , D. Pöschmann and P. J. Uggowitzer: Influence of Interrupted Quenching on Microstructure and Properties of 7xxx Aluminium Alloys. LightMAT, Bremen, Deutschland, 2017
Dumitraschkewitz P., G. Rank, S. C. Sackl, S. S. A. Gerstl and S. Pogatscher: Solute Distribution Analysis of Early Stages of Aging in Al-Mg-Si Alloys via Atom Probe Tomography. TMS 2017, San Diego
Dumitraschkewitz P., G. Rank, P. Uggowitzer, S.S.A. Gerstl and S. Pogatscher: Atom probe tomography of early natural aging and pre-aging of AA 6016. LightMAT, 2017, Bremen
Dumitraschkewitz P.: Atomsondentomographie und Clusterbildung in Aluminium Legierungen. Doktorandenseminar zur „Werkstofftechnik von Al“ 2016, Österreich, 2016
Dumitraschkewitz P.: Strategies for analyzing atom probe tomography data of an as-quenched and naturally aged Al-Mg-Si alloy. MetPhys ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 2016
Dumitraschkewitz P.: Rapid Clusters. Sitzung des wissenschaftlich-technologischen Beirats 2016 (AMAG), Österreich, 2016
Pogatscher S., P. Dumitraschkewitz and S.S.A Gerstl: Atom probe tomography of early stage clustering in Al alloys. EMC2016, Lyon, Frankreich, 2016
Pogatscher S., P. Dumitraschkewitz and S.S.A Gerstl: Atom probe tomography investigation of early stage clustering of as-quenched Al-Mg-Si alloys. ICAA15, Chongqing
Holec D., P. Dumitraschkewitz, F. D. Fischer und D. Vollath: Size-dependent surface energies of Au nanoparticles. 62. Arlberg Kolloquium, Österreich, 2015, 1–13
Dumitraschkewitz P.: Rapid Clusters. WerWasWo.Forschung@MUL, Leoben, Österreich, 2017
Dumitraschkewitz P., S. Pogtascher und S. Gerstl: Analysis of initial clustering in Al-Mg-Si alloys via atom probe tomography. Materials Science and Engineering 2016 (MSE), Deutschland
Dumitraschkewitz P., H. Clemens, S. Mayer und D. Holec: Ab initio study on stacking faults in gamma-TiAl. Intermetallics 2015, Deutschland, 2015